”Reality television:China’s transgender Oprah
Reality television:真人秀,又称为reality show。
China’s transgender Oprah:Oprah Winfrey美国著名脱口秀主持人,是一名黑人女性。transgender,trans-前缀表跨越,gender性别,跨越性别=变性。
CHINA’S favourite chat-show host has had an extraordinary career. Jin Xing was the country’s most successful dancer before becoming a colonel in an army entertainment troupe. He won fame in America, where the New York Times called him “a Chinese genius”. He trained dancers in Brussels and Rome, before returning to China for a sex-change operation. As a woman, she resumed her career as a ballerina, set up the country’s first private Ballet
Company, ran a bar in Beijing and married a German businessman.
win fame:走红,成名=rise to fame(记得上一篇学过这个短语吗?)
sex-change operation:变性手术
The search is expected to resume early today.
I attached my resume with information of my experience to date.
In a conservative society where even homosexuality is frowned upon, let alone sex-reassignment, her life would seem to place Ms Jin well outside the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting (she is pictured at her home in Shanghai). Yet Ms Jin, who is 49, is the country’s most popular television judge. She began with a local version of “So You Think You Can Dance” and hit the jackpot with “The Jin Xing Show”, a variety and chat programme with an audience of around 100m. She has appeared with her husband on the Chinese version of “The Amazing Race”, in which couples race each other around the world. Her latest venture, “Chinese Dating”, is in its first season.
frowned upon:皱眉,不接受
let alone:更别说
sex-reassignment = transgender,sex-change变性,你们看,光是“变性”这个词已经在文中变化了三次了,所以大家写文章时注意要变化词,避免过多重复。
stodgy = conservative保守的
“So you think you can dance”:这是一个美国的舞蹈类节目,是由美国偶像和美国舞台表演奖原班人马共同打造的舞蹈类选秀节目,当时在美国风靡一时,文中这样表达呢,是为了让国外的读者更容易理解金星老师一开始主持的节目,舞林争霸,就类似米国的So you think you can dance。这样的表达大家平时也可以多使用,比如介绍中国的横店,就可以说Hengdian is the Chinese version of Hollywood。
hit the jackpot with “The Jin Xing Show”:hit the jackpot中了头等大彩,名声大噪。用金星秀躁起来了。
“The Amazing Race”:同理,也是美国一档真人秀栏目,对应中国的“极速前进”。
“Chinese Dating”:中国式相亲,前几天刚好第一季结束了。中国式相亲那估计是找不到国外对标节目了,所以没用美国的节目来表达。
Ms Jin’s story reflects remarkable changes in Chinese society since her childhood. She joined the army at the age of nine and endured a training regime that, as she puts it, would count as child abuse in the West. During her surgery, an oxygen shortage damaged her left leg so badly that doctors thought she would be lucky to walk again. Gruelling retraining enabled her to resume dancing within a year.
child abuse:虐待儿童
Those struggles with adversity have helped Ms Jin win favour among older Chinese, a more conservative cohort that is also, surprisingly, her biggest fan base. Many of them, too, have suffered enormous hardship—during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, and the famine that followed the Great Leap Forward of the late 1950s, in which tens of millions died. Even those born after 1980—roughly half the population—know well what their elders endured.
fan base:粉丝群
the culture revolution:文化大革命
the famine that followed the Great Leap Forward:注意这里出现了一个词汇,famine, 饥荒,三年灾害还有另外一个表达就是The Three Years of Great Chinese Famine,这个词源于拉丁文fames,这个和英文fame名声,完全不一样哦,发音是不同的。fames在拉丁语中本意就是饥饿,the Great Leap Forward大跃进。
Identity Crisis
The tension between Ms Jin’s persona as a patriotic Chinese, and the one she displays as a globetrotter with a foreign husband (in January she joined the global elite at the World Economic Forum in Davos), is one that is widely understood among her compatriots. They have become the world’s great travelers. Over 100m got visas for holidays abroad last year, more than the citizens of any other country. Ms Jin describes herself as having been “a little Chinese boy thirsting for the West”. She writes of dreaming about Coca-Cola and freedom in Paris, or surreptitiously reading porn magazines and cruising gay bars in Greenwich Village. In her memoir, “Shang hai Tango”, she says that in the gay communities of New York, she feels herself to be “a traveller in a foreign land twice over”—as a woman in a man’s body and as a Chinese person abroad (who happens to be, she might have added, ethnic Korean).
identity crisis:身份危机
patriotic :爱国的
The tension between A and B:两者之间的对峙
global elite at the World Economic Forum in Davos:达沃斯论坛的全球青年领袖
porn magazines:黄色杂志,注意不是yellow
cruising gay bars:泡男同性恋酒吧,记住这个短语,泡吧cruise bars
她自己是爱国人士,但和她老公一起又喜欢出国环游世界。金星说他是一位渴望西方世界的中国男孩,梦想美国的开放和法国巴黎的自由。但是金星老师也对小黄书和城市中的gay bar有这浓厚的兴趣,从语境上就能够看出来前后明显的不同。变性前后,她去美国纽约的同性恋社区,也是有些不同的心境,之前是困在男性身体里的女人,和之后一个单纯中国人的身份出去旅游,还碰巧,她是一个朝鲜族。也难怪会identity crisis,众多的身份可能让她困惑到底哪一个才是最真实的自己。
In Belgium she feels haunted by the Chinese words she sees on signs in the streets; their calls, she writes, “get louder and louder”. She looks at a Ming vase at a market in Brussels and feels “ashamed” of Chinese who live abroad and have “only contempt” for their ancestral heritage.
“get louder and louder”:声音越来越大(在脑子里挥之不去),这里要知道并不是真实的声音,而是脑中的声音。
China has several cultural figures who are better known in the West than at home. Ms Jin could have been another. But she chose to return home for her sex-change surgery, at some personal risk since the procedure was almost unknown there. “I was born in China,” she says. “It is in China I must be reborn as a woman.”
could have been:本来可以(但是没有),注意这里是虚拟语气,即与现实相反。
Xi Jinping, China’s president, presents himself as a staunch defender of “traditional” Chinese culture, and warns of the danger of Western “infiltration”. His preferences were clear in a recent official directive, which calls for the protection of China’s “cultural security”. But like most of her compatriots, Ms Jin is happy to take what she wants from both China and the West.
present sb as:英文是静态语言,因此这里面没有说defends “traditional” Chinese culture,而是用present展示某人的一个样子,来表示“某人是什么样的”,使用了defend的名词形式defender。
诶,居然出现了习大大,作者说了,习大大是中国传统文化的坚定守护者,或者更符合中文表达的,习大大一向贯彻守护中国传统文化,还有说习大大警告英方文化入侵的危害~霞姐这里要说了,经济学人毕竟是一个国外的杂志,我们习大大是很支持西方文化的,经常指出要中西结合,对于西方的我们去其糟粕,取其精华,并不是像川普那样的build a wall去拦截神马。你看,这段最后句就出现了转折,但是金姐同时在中西方文化中找寻自己想要的东西,果然我大中国人民就是取其精华。
On the face of it, she embodies everything that is untraditional. Her rejection of being a man flies in the face of Confucian culture. The television manner for which she is famous—a blunt, cut-the-crap sassiness—is the opposite of stereotypical feminine deference. Yet her life as a woman has not been a simple rebellion against convention. By adopting three children and marrying (albeit a foreigner), she created around herself what she calls “a real Chinese family”. The values she espouses are old-fashioned even in China. In her new dating game, the contestants may not choose a match without their families’ permission; indeed, it is the families who interview the contestants’ prospective partners—resulting in rampant sexism, with women being asked about children and men about money. This has been too much for some viewers; online commentators have slammed the format as chauvinist and “retro”. But Ms Jin’s popularity suggests many young people believe that tradition should not be discarded.
On the face of it:记得我们之前也学过吧,表面上看,后文必然出现“实际上”
rebellion against convention.:反抗传统。
Confucian culture:儒家文化
fly in the face:明显不同,公然反对
television manner:在电视上的风格,这里指的就是金姐的主持风格
cut-the-crap:不说废话的(当然以后大家要是被某个人滔滔不绝讲些没用的搞烦了,就可以直接说;cut the crap,get to the point)
albeit:这是一个连词,虽然尽管,虽然是个外国老公~使用技巧类似although,举个例子来说Albeit she has failed twice, she is not discouraged。
rampant sexism:激烈的性别偏见(在现代社会基本就是指歧视女性,重视男性了)
chauvinist and “retro”:大家都知道ist是···主义的词根,相应的有爱国主义patriotism, 享乐主义 hedonism,马克思主义 Marxism,还有我们上次课中提到的特朗普主义,trumpism。这个呢chauvinist对应的呢,还有一个chauvinism也就是沙文主义,为什么沙文主义是盲目爱国主义呢?这里面是有一个小故事的:传说拿破仑手下的一名士兵尼古拉·沙文(Nicolas Chauvin),他由于获得军功章对拿破仑感恩戴德,对拿破仑以军事力量征服其他民族的政策盲目狂热崇拜,遂自以为优越而鄙视其他国家、民族。这哥们看来对拿破仑也是爱的痴狂,都专门有自己的名词了,也是佩服。发展到现在,这个词就用来形容盲目的爱国主义了。retro是一个词缀,本身意为倒退,后推,延伸为复古,怀旧的意思。
In her memoir, Ms Jin talks about two historical figures whom she calls role models. One is Sai Jinhua, a prostitute who became the mistress of the imperial envoy to Germany and used her knowledge of the language to save the Qing emperor from German troops sent to crush the Boxer Uprising in 1900. (Jealous officials jailed her for her pains.) Ms Jin notes approvingly how Sai “rebelled” against what had appeared to be her destiny as a pauper.
The other model, more surprisingly, is Jiang Qing (Madame Mao), one of the Cultural Revolution’s most reviled figures, who cheered on the Red Guards as they tortured and killed her enemies. Ms Jin calls her “full of charm and intelligence” and the creator of “major masterpieces” during that period (Jiang Qing oversaw the production of operas about the Communist Party’s early days). It is a sign of how much China is changing that its cast of heroines encompasses not only the heroic harlots and villainous empresses of the past, but also a transsexual conservative talk-show host.
historical figures:历史人物
Cultural Revolution:文化大革命
讲解:霞姐 / Tiassa / 魔力校花
编排 / 校对:魔力校花
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